Tuesday, December 08, 2009

moving to...

not much update here anymore, moving to new blog but more focus on photography.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Hello hello?

Attaching to the support team for one full day. Observing and understand what 's going on with the support team.

Sunday, October 18, 2009


My bro cut already. Really faster smoother and more fun.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


妈的,酱大了也会中Mumps. 还好没有 complication. 不然我的蛋蛋随时有危险。MC 了四天,在家里种蘑菇。。

Sunday, September 06, 2009

Leopard in da house!

10th month old! so much different!

Monday, August 17, 2009

冰山一角之 : 钱的去处

Went Putrajaya to do some shooting before heading to Sepang for 2nd attempt on star trail. Building is always stunning, that is where the money of the people gone to. (At least its not down the drain)

Luckily we went to Putrajaya first, because there is ZERO star visible that night. &*@%487%@84@$ Screw those cloud !!

P/S: Also went to paintball event that morning, and accidentally won all the matches; First time went to Kuala Lumpur Photography Festival too. Nothing much to shout

&*^%@(% I'm the one and only poser :|

Friday, August 14, 2009

How to waste your sleeping time?

Supposedly, Thursday night is a good sleeping day. But, 3 people, gone crazy and go out shooting star trail, at a hazy night :S

We wanted to see some meteor but...
We wanted to shoot some nice star trail shot but...

Meteor = NIL
Nice star trail shot = NIL
Tiredness = FULL
Fun = N/A

It sure looks like some sort of crappy stuff.
No foreground! No nice blend of the star trail ! DAMNNNNN~N~..... definitely will try at some other more interesting place.

The above pic is combined of 148 pic * 30 seconds each, which is shown in the animation in below.