Friday, December 30, 2005

The bit more normal friday

Woke up at 830 930AM today. First thing to do, check mail. Shit... no reply from my ex-boss side. Its been the SECOND week already. Although he promised I'll get the job, still I dont feel comfortable without the call from them.

After breakfast, started to ask around how the heck do I get to Amcorp Mall from my place. Interview will be at 230PM. Well, I dont really quite like the "sound" of that job thou. Software House, BIG overseas company == HEAVY TIGHT SCHEDULE WORKLOAD. I had enough of the stress to rush for the schedule... unforseen bug during live system on critical time says.. 2AM ...

Out at 1PM and reached there before 2PM. I'm kinda nervous, afterall, this is just the second interview I had since I graduated. When I'm asked "Tell me more about you" , I cant hardly think of anything to tell. The test? I screw up some question.

Interview session end at 430PM. Soon after come out from the underground car park, it rains like hell.... Then, went WAN UTAMA to meet up with bento , his girl , and fei. As usual, numb3rs lai yea again... this time, not the feet, not the hand, nor the neck. Its further up... the eyes~

Went to some Vietnam Restaurant for dinner. Its been long time we didnt have good food at friday. Simply because they understand afoi no longer can spend money. Blame on the palying card.. yeah.. babe... nice food... and yea.. nice decks too~ *wink*

Time flies, today the time seem to pass faster. Its 915PM after we end our dinner. Then, proceed to SS2 for yumchar session with hometown friends. Have some good laugh, and I cant rememeber how many years I lost contact with some of them. Thing is just different after everyone started to work.

Today is the LAST working day of year 2005 for most people. What a day. Looking back on what I've done in the year, I cant really have anything solid to rememeber of. To be frank, I had too much trip in a short time. Overall, 2005 is a good year for me. At least no big shitty stuff coming up..

Luck has been always with me all the while, I hope it still will be with me next year, another year, another next year, and another, and another, and another, and never ending.

I've come out a list of plan I wish to do in 2006 thou.

1. exceed deck collection to 300 decks by 31-dec-2006
1. Do more saving.
2. Get a Nokia N92, or at least, get a new handphone.
3. Pay bro and his gf a free trip as the present for their wedding.
4. Control temper.

p/s : If 2. or 3. fulfil, ignore 1.

To whoever I've offended, forgive me and sorry.
To whoever I've cheered, dont worry, be happy.

Wednesday, December 28, 2005


Again, early flight. After breakfast, we're heading back to Malaysia. Basically, its some casual and light trip. With not too much of activities. Unlike Hong Kong, it is not as easy to walk around as not many people understand english there. So, I didnt really walk around alone.

Back to KL. Sleep almost the whole journey back.

Good trip for relaxation. And I don't dare to try the massage. shame on me...


Today, we decided to get another trip from Simon. We're going to visit 4 different tribe in Chiang Mai. Tribe A, Tribe B , Tribe C, and Long Neck Tribe. As usual, wake up at 7 in the morning. Its raining out there. No good.... After breakfast, we start our journey.

The Lahu Village. They have no religion, they pray the spirit.

Simon say : "In the village, there will be four important people. The Leader, Shaman, Meduim , and The Lady. Shaman will be the one who curve the people in there whilst Medium will communicate with the spirit. The lady in charge of helping the pregnant to labor. In Thailand, the goverment is concern over the education of the people. In villages like this, the children can study at home, using the satelite to connect to Bangkok. And the satelite is fully sponsored by the government. Some of the new house in the village, will have the solar power generator. Because we got alot of sun, so it is very feasible to generate electricity from the solar."

Its very much like kampung in Malaysia thou.

Nothing much, 3 very very very very ngai larn kiddo and some quiet, mystery looking old man.

Then, we went to the second tribe. This one, with traditional costume.

No, the lady behind is NOT malay in tudung.

No ngai larn kiddo bugging us this time. BUT , IF you shows you wanted to buy stuff from ONE OF THEM, EVERYONE of them will surround you.

Simon say : "They are polygamous, One2many. And the male will not need to work. The female will have to work to support the family and the male just sitting under the tree, talking cock, and having tea. Like the previous tribe, they have Shaman , Medium as well."

The house of the Shaman.

The third tribe is very near to the second one. Eventhough there is alot of tribes in Thailand, but they live peacefully without any conflict.

They look abit like chinese.

Simon say : "This is private owned satelite. They don't have any entertaintment. So they watched television. They are poor, but some of them will buy satelite dish. This cost around 20000 BAHT - 40000 BAHT."

The sweetcorn's leftover. Simon say "Sweetcorn is a very important food for them. For the animal, and for them."

dick kaki corner. Only for man, who doesn't need to work.

Government's sponsored satelite dish

Some old lady demo-ing how to make the bag and such.

The product.

The food. Simon say : "Like chinese, they like to eat dog"

Nothing much except their costume. Its like some isolated village in Malaysia. Then we come to another tribe which required some 30 minutes walk along the mud road. Damn the rain... as we getting nearer to the village, our shoes grows as well.

They're having wedding the next day.

The Spirit House.

Yes, they have elephant as well.

Similiar bead bean product.

except the young girl with healthy skin colour. :$

Hightech stuff.

The pig.

Lunch time. Lunch is included. Some American Fried Rice with American Fried Chicken + 2 Seven Eleven Mineral Bottle. Simon lead us to the primary school nearby to have our lunch there.

The primary school.

Some game with BIG stone ball.

Looks like its their sports day.

The last tribe will be the long neck tribe.
Simon say : "We are now going to see the Long Neck Tribe. But this is not the village. It is just a spot setup for tourist to see them. Because if you want to go to their village, it takes time, and you'll need to pass by one thousand four hundreds and twenty six curves."

Long neck brass. Its freaking heavy ok.

Shy young girl. When she see me us, she stopped and trying to hide behind the cloth. I've NO IDEA why..

Ok, I'm in love with this tour guide. She's very pretty.

Even the small girl have it.

Amazingly nice high quality cloth.

I hope this is the pet instead of food.

Finally, we finished our trip. Its almost 5PM when we reach the hotel. After some rest, its dinner time again. We went to the teoh chiew restaurant again. Not to mention, very cheap and quite nice food. two table, about 10 dishes per table, only 3000 BAHT.

The nice mineral bottle.

After that, we went to the night market AGAIN. For the last round of shopping.

The Tuk Tuk car

The taxi which can fit in SEVENTEEN people in ONE car at 150 BAHT. BTW, the "taxi" is called "Songtaew"

Chiangmai's main city is in a "square" with the main river. You can see some remaining of the fortress along the river.

At night, I went out to the 7-11. Some side-effect of the HongKong trip. To see if any interesting stuff to get. Bought some instant noddle for testing.

Dry curry favour.

Tomyam favour.

Miced pork.

The high-speed-draining.

How can I forget the coffee.

Third Day. Basically, today's trip is kinda spoilt by the rain. Because of the rain, we have to walk by some muddy road. Get to see new thing. Different life style. I think its good to have simple life like them.

- E.o.D -