Tuesday, August 30, 2005


YES !!!!!!!!!! FINALLY ~!!!!! The time has arrived !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!HOLIDAY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! WOOOOHOOOOOO !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I WANT TO SHOUT OUT LOUD !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! YES !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, August 28, 2005


Suddenly, I am feeling so down... Why? Only angkong know... Time seem to past a little bit too slow... Please... I beg for this stay-back-at-office=for-some-dumb-checking-procedure to end soon... Please...

Saturday, August 27, 2005


Dear [censored],

Please be aware that item 5XXXXXX289 -Nokia N90,N91,N70,8800....Promotional prices!! has been ended early and your bid has been cancelled as it appears that the seller's account has been compromised and used by an unauthorized third party. The seller's privileges to trade on eBay may be temporarily suspended while we investigate this matter further.

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If you have already sent payment, we advise you to take steps to protect yourself depending on the nature of your payment. For example, if you paid by personal check, you may stop payment on the check. If you paid for this item with a credit card, you should contact your credit card company's security department right away to inform them of the potential problem with this payment -- most companies provide consumer protection in these circumstances. If you have made a payment by money order or wire transfer, you may contact that company for further information at 1-800-325-6000 (Western Union), or at 1-800-926-9400 (Money Gram).

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- - - - - - - -
is eBay having problem lately? or its just my luck... Encountered this stuff TWICE a day. Maybe Its a sign... for me to stop all this!!! Must be.. It must be a sign!!!

The Moment

After receiving photos from DV, I realised there's sooo much fun during the Genting trip. I cant help but keep laughing and smiling when I browsr thru the photos. Especially when watching the video. :-) Its been quite some time where I had so much fun. Hope I'll have it again soon.

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Superbly nice view taken by DV from the carpark. [10+ PM after dinner]

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The Bday Kaki's. The cake is super hard to cut delicious~! Thanks everyone~ [12 AM]

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Everyone feeling "wee wang wang" after the liquor game. You cant expect anyone of us to stand straight after the 50% alchohol liquor right? [2+ AM]

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Then, princess, me and ahfeifei sleeping not sleepy yet. So decided to go down for a walk. It was so nice.. [3+ AM]

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Everything seem to be so calm , so perfect. [3+ AM]

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[3+ AM]

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Taken by me from the garden.[3+ AM]

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Taken by me from the garden.[3+ AM]

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Time to check out. Group photo by Mr.T10 [12+ PM]

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As usual, no one seem to have solid suggestion on where to for lunch.. so, end up at some HK restaurant.

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Satan Pork Chop Rice. The name satan is caused by the TIME you need to wait for them to delivered.

Tuesday, August 23, 2005


Still feeling tired.. still need to standby for the system.... ANYWAY, after Genting trip, at least I feel better. In some sort of recharged state.

Well, although there's nothing TOO extremely excited happened, but its a good one, a leisure and relaxing one. So much stupid stuff had happen, yet.. I have none of them to write down. Just hope I wont forget them...

Damn.. the bed sucks.. I guess I had some bacteria infection on my back.

Friday, August 19, 2005


Today my big day... but sadly, it's full of work... until 630PM, the ONLY TWO person I met in person whom I knew and NOT my cooleagues is my cousin and my aunty. THAT'S ALL. But nevermind.. my mood is still abit high.. not chao high..

The most excited moment today, is.. basically, watching the chun, sweet, cute, pretty, charming, hot japanese chick sitting infront of me. WALANEH!!! baik punya!!!!

Until late midnight, I'll have to stay awake for some war. Lets pray if it's an easy war.


"When you're stil in love, she'll not complaint about your low income and lower standard of living. She still tell you its love that bring both of you together. She'll convinced you that, she love you, not your money and that's why she's with you. Until you get married. Thing still the same. Few years later, she gave birth. Thing still go as perfect as it is. Another few years, here comes your second child. THEN... she start to tell you thing."

Wife : "Look, the wife next door is driving Gen2, so happy"

Husband : "You know we cant afford a Gen2"

Wife : "Ya, I'm only telling you."

"Since then, she keep only "telling" you things. And you'll work hard to earn more money. You'll work even harder to make her happy and get all what she "tell". You sacrifies all your time to work. Finally, you manage to get her a Gen2. She's happy with that. Finally, you manage to earn more money and give to her to spend. You still work hard all day long. No time for your kids, no time for your family."

"With car and money, she start to go hanging around. It really depends on luck on who we meet. If you meet with good people, you'll turn out good. Unfortunately, she met with some bad guy."

Guy : "Why stay at home everyday? come out and have fun! lets go pub / karaoke!"

Wife : "But I dont have so much money"

Guy : "Come on! who need to pay money~? Let's ask some male out and he'll pay the bill!"

Wife : "OK!"

"Whether you are back or at home, she never care anymore. You wish to put it a stop there, but you realised, you have two kids. Its about responsibility. You want to earn money in the clean way to feed your family, you want them to have a better life. You sacrifies ALL your time to double/tripple your earning. But, it turns out to be not what you want."

"Think carefully. Is what you doing worth it?"

- - - - -
This were the "story" told by the taxi driver. Yesterday , I went back at home around 2+ A.M. Have a chat with the driver. He seem to be a nice guy. Religious guy.. I don't know, but I guess he is a good guy. According to him, this is "experience" and not "story". Although the air-cond in his car is quite noisy. But I guess I heard the tear dropping sound in his heart.....

Tuesday, August 16, 2005

05 Minutes to 12 A.M

I'm still awake... I'm still at office... I'm totally..... paralyzed.... I'm..... tired....

Once again...

Once again, the cock talk...

Once again, I believe and once again, I feel so excited.

Once again, the cock only talking cock...

Once again, I felt disappointed again...

Its been so long, I never stay up late for work, and today, after so many months of gp-back-not-too-late, I finally need to stay up until 1 AM to standby for some god damn mutha fucking lame blady dog shit system.

Someone need to put it a stop.. Soon, I hope soon, this will end. Better tomorrow~

Friday, August 12, 2005


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very much like the Rasterbator when applying dots to fit image in one page.

found another site for converting image.. text-image.com [via losthungrytiredsoul]

Ma... A Khar Oo Horn (mom, there's a horn below)

Suddenly, this incident pop up in my mind.

Many years ago, when I first get my car license, I'm a little bit excited (that explain why I never seldom drive, only LITTLE BIT excited). One normal, hot and boring night, nothing much to do, after exam, mom INSIST that I go drive out jalan-jalan.

mom : oi.. drive la..

afoi: dun1... no fun..

mom : you want your monthly allowance or not ?

afoi: nai a an neh ?

mom : drive... I'll sit beside you.

afoi: ... zark..

So, no choice.. go in the car, do everything the instructor teach. Adjust mirror, check gear, put on seat belt. And I realised the seat distance is too near, so, I decided to adjust the seat. When I move forward so that I could reach the "paddle" to adjust the seat, *PINNNN* The Horn sound! Out of sudden, mum and I were shock.

afoi: how come got a horn down the seat one ?

mom : huh??

afoi: I think I just "trigger" the horn below the seat. I was about to adjust the car seat. So I pull the "paddle", and then *PINNN* see?

mom : What the? how is this possible ? do again. An extra horn BELOW the seat?

afoi: *repeating procedure*

mom : ............................................. son, it is your CHEST which pressed the horn when you move forward to adjust the seat.

afoi: oh... ic.....

mom + afoi : ROTFL

Thursday, August 11, 2005

UltraSmoke2000 XXXXXXXXL version

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*Picture by Lukes [11-Aug-2005 12:XX:PM]

Who say we need machine to create smoke ? look ma... someone is using "UltraSmoke 2000" XXXXXXXXL version in Klang.

I just want to tell everyone, I love you guys..

In case I died of suffocation, I just want to let everyone know that, I love you guys~

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I thought this is bad.

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But, definately, I'm wrong.

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Things can be real nasty sometimes.

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I start to ask myself, "What's worst thing can happen?"

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I'm too naive to ask. Great thing are awaiting...

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I start to panic...

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I cant breathe...

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No one else can..

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What's left, is just white colour.Ok, this is actually some plastic case.

Random Conversation

Nioko says: How to assign installations?

Federal 之狼 No.1 says: ???

Nioko says: Need to assign engineers for installation

Nioko says: How?

Federal 之狼 No.1 says: Then ?

Nioko says: What then?

Federal 之狼 No.1 says: wtf ?

Nioko says: Noth to then abt

Federal 之狼 No.1 says: Still dun get u man

Nioko says: u sys anal...u anal me!!


Nioko says: so how?

Nioko says: whatodo?

Federal 之狼 No.1 says: Now planning how to anal u

Nioko says: what tools and methodologies u use?

Federal 之狼 No.1 says: tools - 9 inch dildo

Federal 之狼 No.1 says: methodology - spiral penetration

Nioko says: HAAHAHA...

Federal 之狼 No.1 says: ROTFL

I'm loving it

Received alot of positive feedback on the McD cute girl.


If you guys can guess the correct picture filename, you'll have access to some surprse phto of her.

NSFW. Dont say I didn't warn you.

Wednesday, August 10, 2005

Random Conversation

Federal 之狼 No.1 : Saturyday follow us go badminton..

Anonymous : I want bowling

Anonymous : I don't want badminton

Federal 之狼 No.1 : alright

Federal 之狼 No.1 : u don't afraid of big small ball, then I have nothing to say

Anonymous : hahahahah

Anonymous : play badminton also will have big small ball

Federal 之狼 No.1 : ey.. yea.. true also...

Anonymous : yalo..

Anonymous : u wan to die i also cannot say anything wan...

Federal 之狼 No.1 : Image hosted by Photobucket.com <- Federal 之狼 No.1 playing badminton.

Federal 之狼 No.1 : Image hosted by Photobucket.com <- Anonymous playing bowling.

Federal 之狼 No.1 : ROTFL


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Even Mozilla Firefox want me to die....

Tuesday, August 09, 2005

Hero Without Land For Fight

Many years ago, I'm USED to be not-too-bad-and-can-show-off-abit guitarist. When I'm one of the top student in my music school, when the boss will ask me to show off the skill whenever he saw me and with new customer.

After many years, my guitar skill sucks...

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The ciplak guitar rest in peace inside the case...

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The kai-wan-siao-quality guitar rest ON TOP~

I MUST re-polish the skill... touch her gently again. Hold her body tight, move around her neck, press it gently around the bra bar.. and plug the payaya string so strong, that I feel the vibrant of her body... too bad, I've lost a G String from one of them, a D String from another and an Lower A String from the last one..

Potong Steam Bfast Set vs. Mayak Steam Bfast Set

Lately(months ago), I "discovered" a cute girl working in McD, so, most of the weekdays, I'll settle my bfast there. Not only want to enjoy the hash brown, also want to look at her sweet smile. :)~

BUT, sometimes, when there's too much of fast food / poor / she not working there. Malay stall will be the alternative.

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Mee-Hoon Goreng Biasa + Teh Tarik Kurang Manis RM5.00 <- potong steam....

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McD BFast Set. RM5.25 - RM6++

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The sweet,cute,pretty,nice looking girl. <- mayak steam....

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The sweet,cute,pretty,nice looking girl.

The Sticky Man Karma Sutra

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Friday, August 05, 2005

[Update] Federal之狼

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Federal二狼 last seen on the Internet at 1805.08052005. Dear all young female online user, be aware.

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Crime Scene

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18466th Victim. Code name : CCIK-83-W-WP*

*CCIK-83-W-WP :-


Thursday, August 04, 2005

kkc from kelamin.net


Dear afoi,
A group of us, Fra[censored]ock, Ke[censored]ny, Da[censored]ong and myself, are going to revive the Men Ministry which has gone into existence for a long time. The purpose for this revival is mainly due to Br[censored]on who spoke to us during the church camp and a desire in each one of us to meet the spiritual needs of the men in our church. I have written to ask you to join our group in the initial startup to represent your age group. we are looking for man in our midst who are zealous about JC and has a passion to see the Church meeting the spiritual needs of the people, in particular the men in our midst.
I have spoken to Zhe[censored]in and he has agreed to join us to represent his age group. I hope you will consider this carefully and let me know of your decision by this week if possible. For your info, we have informed Pastor regarding this ministry and he has no objection to it.

Best Regards,
[censored]id T[censored],
Tel: 53549413

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

Reply from afoi :

After consider it carefully, I've finally made up my mind, at first, I would like to say, GO FUCK YOURSELF WITH YOUR CHEESE DICK AND LEAVE ME ALONE. But, I realised its too harsh and might hurt you. So, my reply will be "you guys enjoy, without me.."
And btw, next time, please check ALL your fucking recipient email address before you send it out. and make sure you fucking know them~! So that nice people wont need to curse you to hell. Wish you a good day.

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

I'm dancing and I don't care who knows it

Surf thru flickr.com , and found a user named fd.One word, STUNNING!!!! TWO THUMBS UP for most of the pictures he took. I enjoy watching every photo he published~! Its very very very nice. The feel, the background... EVERYTHING!! Also, his two lovely kid. They're so cute that I want to pinch their cheek~ :D

Really nice photo... nice work~!!

Image taken from http://flickr.com/photos/john


PETALING JAYA: Federal之狼No.1 and his partner Federal之狼No.2 spotted at the Federal Haiway yesterday. Witness say, there's alot of young female driver got molested by the Federal之狼No.2 mentally. According to some source, Federal之狼No.2 have the ability to molest with the eyes. Polish is setting up some 340-345 road blocks along the Federal Haiway to track down both suspect.

Please avoid any blue colour-ed Wira, along the Federal Haiway. To report a case, please call 1-800-TRACK-DOWN-Federal之狼 Hotline.

Monday, August 01, 2005

new bayBEE

Bday is around the corner, my gang asking me to eBay anything I like by myself. As always, Uncle Lim's life is dull and boring, not into fashion nor too much of hightech gag, so, decided to further expand my gf card collection. Received this four decks of cards yesterday when having dinner with'em.

Also, dear cousin send over a deck of playing card, from her university, LSE. So nice of her.. looks like the lobster mee to her is a must have.

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USPC Tech Art. Source say, U.S. Playing Card Co. made only 3,000 of these unusual decks.

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Date showing the deck is printed during year '02. Not too old thou.. but its rare.

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The large index with 4 cornered index.

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The extra card, giving desc on the barcode. I assume this deck is printed to be distributed to casino for getting in more sales.

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Superbly pretty fan by Uncle Lim.

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The spread.

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A casino deck with the famed trademark "Bee" on the back. The bonus card inside labels the deck as "Standard Index U.V." This style of deck once was used in casinos and was designed as a "generic" deck.

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Sealed Card Box.

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Too bad, there's some not-too-steam-and-abit-disappointed-deck as well. Didn't go thru too details on this item. Never know the deck is actually having a hole punched, to indicate "casino used deck"

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Deck from Playboy Atlantic City, NJ.

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Default bee diamond back design with Playboy symbol.

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Back Design. the punched hole, potong steam.

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Another "Playboy Deck" with Bicycle Rider Back design, except the rider back with the Playboy symbol.

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A sealed deck as well.

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The back design, except its in green colour.

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Deck from L.S.E

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Colourful hand drawing back design. London background.