Tuesday, February 28, 2006


Went back hometown last Friday. The day where I went for the LAST intervie without hoping any reply. The day where I receive their offer hours after my interview! The big day!

Since LongCheng is having a day off too, so we decided to go Penang for one night stay! Its been months since I visted Penang. Nothing much there, just the food is nice!

First, we went to that "kek Lok Si" - 极乐寺. Its under some major construction and the building, statue and all that is very nice.

The Jing Gang status. *fierce* ~

The very nice lion-alike statue.

Jing Gang watching over Penang island.

The mighty Guan Ying. This is a very tall and nice aloy statue. Plan to build a roof for this. But still under construction.

Another snap covering the sun light.

Temple beside Guan Ying.

Some fish pond.

The fish.


Besides the pond, there's a small garden. With various Buddha statue. Peaceful garden.



Some random snap at the convenient store. *motion*

Then, we went to the "Zhu Zhi" - 慈济 association, since mum have not been there before.

The building.

I like the environment ALOT. Everything is in wood. Very calm lighting. Very peaceful environment.

The bamboo element.

Some nice photo they captured during activities,mission,work.

This is what I call astonishing!

The staff is very very friendly and patient. She even get us some tea. Nice tea, nice environment, hence, nice photo shot!

Then, we went for dinner. The traffic sucks. Even worse than KL. While stucking in the middle of the traffic, I saw this kapal sink's house~ nice house. Must be the damn expensive lawyer fee.

KapalSink's house.

Gurney Drive is under construction too. The famous food centre has gone. Wonder where all the nice food gone to. After tsunami, the sea level at Gurney Drive had changed. But not too sure how true is this.

Low tide. Very low tide.

Doesn't smell good too.

We went "Oriental Seafood" for dinner. quite nice place. The food, so so.

Around 8+ , the sea level started to "fill up". NOW I'm facing the sea for dinner.

Leaving around 11pm.

We stay at N-Park apartment. Very well maintain.

The swimming pool at night.

The swimming pool in the morning.

Bye bye.

*relief* ahhhh~~~~

Finally! After soooo long, I finally get a job! A job that I wish for! Its so sudden. First, I decided to work in friend's company, next, I'm called for another interview, then, they offer me!

No doubt that I've been in quite down mood in past 6 months recently. Its far beyond I can expect. I thought I would be working long time ago. But, I'm glad that, now I found a job which I think I want it!

I wish I'll cope with the environment. I wish I'll able to catch up soon enuogh. I wish... yes... I wish...

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

random conversation

anonymous says: did she ever propose to u my proposal?
[ a f o i ] says: which one ?
[ a f o i ] says: i dun think so
[ a f o i ] says: unless u're saying.. some datin thingy ?
anonymous says: ahhaha
anonymous says: fortune teller in HK thingie
[ a f o i ] says: i'll first, need a sex partner.. and a son.. and my son's sex partner to be a datuk
[ a f o i ] says: ohh..
[ a f o i ] says: HAHAHA
[ a f o i ] says: yeah
[ a f o i ] says: that one...
[ a f o i ] says: yea yea..
[ a f o i ] says: if the fortune teller not true one.. then i mai lai yea~
[ a f o i ] writes:

anonymous says: u wana it become true
anonymous says: must need hers 1 come true first ma
[ a f o i ] says: yes
[ a f o i ] says: but what if he's just a liar~
[ a f o i ] says: so, hers one become true.. mine is not.
[ a f o i ] says: then i ahamdulilah..
anonymous says: then u go after her...mean hers is come true
anonymous says: then urs, wanfei all come true
anonymous says: so good
[ a f o i ] says: means wanfei still "can see kenot eat" ?
[ a f o i ] says: wan like that meh ?
[ a f o i ] says: yao jiang meh ?
anonymous says: hhaha

Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Heart of a Buddha

"Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without. "
* * *

"Think of the last time you were hppy... Think of the last time you were angry... Which will you choose next time?"
* * *

"Wherever there is light, there is shadow. Wherever there is length. there is shortness. Wherever there is white, there is black. Just like these, nothing can exist alone."
* * * *

Found this "Heart of a Buddha" booklet from some society days ago. Found some meaningful quotes in it. How true, how true.

Also, I found some flash/screensaver about it. Hope my friends will have some little time for this, and give it some thought. Go to http://amtbweb.org

Impermanence - No self - Nirvana.

"Thousands of candles can be lighted from a single candle, and the life of the candle will not be shortened.

Happiness never decreases by being shared."

Monday, February 20, 2006

ah 1, ah 2 , ah 1 , 2 , 3 , 4

I did some webcam with a friend. Ask him to freely select a card, and he selected 7 of hearts. So, I do some magical snap and turn that first card, hoping to be 7 of diamond to suit the selection. I screw up......

So i tried to fix things up. One step by one step.



Why isn't they call me yet?


The digit is growing. tutu




Sunday, February 19, 2006


Stupid prank but funny.

[Part 1]

[Part 2]

Hope I'll get some good news by tomorrow. sigh.

Friday, February 17, 2006

O 咀 virus attack!

A relative came visit just now. Cant help but to join their conversation. Seems like his lil daughther is having some experience with the.... uhknown.

A lil girl who is out going, active and charming. She likes dacing, drawing and all that. She likes her school very much, and enroll to the traditional dance class. One day, she remain quiet after came back from the class. She say nothing and just be silent.

Suddenly, she scream in the toilet! She stare at people. She fear. She cry. No one understand what is going on. She keep on pointing on the floor, with fear. The worst case is, she shouting "virus attack!!" while pointing at her back. Her eye sight stunt people, with the fearful feeling.

Then, she speak. Its some white figure. But she dare not to draw it out. Hope she will be fine. I'm gonna get some Jack Daniel before sleep tonight. *ball shaking*

Wednesday, February 15, 2006


[click to enlarge]

Yeah.. so I got friend from 七国联盟 [Seven Country Union]. Dont mess with me.

Monday, February 13, 2006


Today went for two interview. The first one were arranged by the recruitment firm. Some CMS subsidary company. Uhhmmm, the VP who interviewed me is quite friendly. Explain alot to me about their company, what he looking for. I think it go on pretty smooth. Took around 1+ hour for the whole interview to be completed. I thought I screwed up the test I did earlier. Guess I did not. *phew*

Next interview will be in 2+ hours time. So, I came back for lunch and some rest. No half naked hot chick give me a warm welcome thou. Only the super loud fighting voice from the neighbourhood. The dather and the son is having some real big arguement again. "Niama~" "Hum ga charn" "ma chao hai" those were the word comes in very rythmyc way.

Heading to KLCC around 1pm. Reach there around 130pm. Decided to go up to that company earlier. BUT, I lost in that damn tower~! the lift sucks BIG TIME! It tooks me about 20 minutes to search for the right lift! Geez~!!! Rumour says, the company is filled with chicks. Yes, rumour are meant to be fake.. sigh..

As I expected, I need to do some test. Score pretty well for the logic test, and average on the SQL test. The manager is real young and looks angmoh-ish enough. What a big company. Over 400+ developer + qa. w.t.f! After some conversation with them, I see its very challenging working in this company and will learn hell lot of stuff!

Received another call for interview, scheduled it on Wed. basically, today is the interview day. Just cross my finger and wait, while sitting on the sofa again, watching the television.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

exausted saturday

Yesterday night, watched Fearless with friends. Good movie, but bad audience. Some fucka just won't switch off/silent their god damn super loud ringtone. Some girls chat during the movie. DAMN..... Went back at 2AM. Then only realise, will be hving a badminton session later~

Wake up at 830AM. Waiting fei to fetch. The almost 2 hours badminton kills me softly, although feeling quite good after alot of sweating. Next will be hibernation period until late evening. Awaiting for dinner, but.. no sign yet. In case I die of hunger, tell her I love her. LMAO.

Wednesday, February 08, 2006

Random Conversation

Anonymous says : foi

Anonymous says : come slap me

Anonymous says : slap me wake up

Anonymous says : hmm

Anonymous says : poeple british la

[ a f o i ] says: ohh.. ohhh.......

Anonymous says : y this kinda sound??

[ a f o i ] says: kacukan(mixture) british with chinese...very sui(pretty) one oh..the baby

Anonymous says : ohh...ohhh ??

Anonymous says : yalo

Anonymous says : hmmm

[ a f o i ] says: hahahahahahah

[ a f o i ] writes:
Image hosting by Photobucket

Anonymous says : yer

Anonymous says : wat d heck

[ a f o i ] says: left is chinese face, right is british

[ a f o i ] says: mata sepet vs. BIG BLUE eye

[ a f o i ] says: low nose vs HIGH nose

[ a f o i ] says: peach mouth vs angelina mouth

Anonymous says : muahahahahahhahaahahhahaha

Anonymous says : damn!

Anonymous says : muahahahhhahhaahahahaa

Anonymous says : y peach mouth!!

Anonymous says : u got peach mouth meh!!!!

Anonymous says : shit u!!!

Anonymous says : muahahahhaha

Anonymous says : damn!

[ a f o i ] says: 樱桃小嘴

Anonymous says : me laughed non stop!

Anonymous says : i know lak!

Anonymous says : wahahhahahahahahha

Anonymous says : ahhahahahah

Anonymous says : shit u foi!

Anonymous says : eh paste this in ur blog!!

Anonymous says : eh! but canot tell tat i admire my boss ar shit u

Sunday, February 05, 2006



Their site is slow... sucks!

Saturday, February 04, 2006


春节“人日”,是怎样流传下来呢?根据汉时东方朔的占书说:正月初一鸡日、初二犬日、初三猪日 、初四羊日 、初五牛日 、初六马日、初七人日 。

Just back from a medium-size family gathering at some chinese restaurant. Besides 人日, its my ang-pow day too. received quite some angpow just now. Hurray! Everyone seem abit drunk. Nice food.

Basically, today is another quiet day for me. Went out lunch with bento and fei, on bento.. yeah! car park on fei.. double yeah! but I drive.. potong steam...

Things I did today, which worth mention.
1. Car wash
2. Free lunch
3. Sell some playing cards. *sob sob*
4. More angpow
5. Watch porn

Friday, February 03, 2006


Back to kl yesterday. A very very slow and quiet CNY for me. Nothing much happened. Gambling, snooker, Dota.

Graduated from secondary school 5 years ago, and having the FIRST gathering. Again, nothing much. Some people changed drastically, some people don't. Most importantly, most of the female looks great that night~ Manage to meet people whom lost contact with for years~

A quiet CNY ending soon, hope can have better everything in this year of dog. ahamdulilah...