Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Random Conversation

[ a f o i ] says: at night, bring u all go see pondan
Keris says : wah..
Keris says : got pondan some more..
[ a f o i ] says: got
Keris says : u r so dangerous lehh..
[ a f o i ] says: taiping lake garden, seriously, morning damn ncie one...
[ a f o i ] says: the view
Keris says : ok or not for u..
[ a f o i ] says: at night, got pondan one
Keris says : haha
[ a f o i ] says: u all want to go the so called night safari ?
[ a f o i ] says: ok lor..
[ a f o i ] says: long time didnt go meet Daisy already also
[ a f o i ] says: abit miss her
Keris says : got elephant and lion
[ a f o i ] says: but heard now, HIS service not so good liao
[ a f o i ] says: first timer no angpow take liao
[ a f o i ] says: last time got one u know
[ a f o i ] says: ey.. if not elephant or lion, that one call "Pasar Menjual Ayam" ok ?
Keris says : who is Daisy ar..
[ a f o i ] says: Daisy the pondan
Keris says : orhhh..
Keris says : haha
Keris says : ur kau siong hou leh..
Keris says : cherk cherk cherk...
[ a f o i ] says: yea lor.. last time i study that time, SPM very stress ma
[ a f o i ] says: go find HIM kheng sum si la..
[ a f o i ] says: but HE say, dun1 dun1 i dun1, i want do something else
[ a f o i ] says: then i ask lor "what u want to do? i very stress la.."
[ a f o i ] says: then HE say "I want.... I want... I want go eat Orh Jian"
[ a f o i ] says: so, no choice, bring HIM go eat Orh Jian loh..
[ a f o i ] says: manatau, HE order Orange Juice somemore
[ a f o i ] says: so, not enough money lor...
[ a f o i ] says: then quickly run
Keris says : haha
Keris says : so now din go there eat liao lo..
[ a f o i ] says: got, but didnt eat with Daisy lo
Keris says : haha
[ a f o i ] says: I heard he is still washing dish there to return the debt
Keris says : aiyoo..
Keris says : tai sei lo..
Keris says : who ask him order the orange juice..
Keris says : u din help him meh..
[ a f o i ] says: i wanted to wan....
[ a f o i ] says: but when i about to move, someone called
[ a f o i ] says: yuan lai, Stephanie is looking for me. HE also got something want to find me talk
Keris says : huh..u r the one who got sam si and stress but still got so many ppl want to find u talk talk..
Keris says : u r so cham..
Keris says : no ppl listen to ur sam si..
Keris says : ahahaa
[ a f o i ] says: yea loh... so soon after i reach there, i faster listen what he want to say
[ a f o i ] says: yuan lai, when HE shit that time, his purse dropped to the toilet bowl, ask me if can borrow him 20 cent or not
[ a f o i ] says: he want to buy twisties
[ a f o i ] says: i ask him , how many thousand years he never eat Twisties liao
[ a f o i ] says: he say, 3
[ a f o i ] says: i say "since my secondary school time, twisities no longer selling at 20 cent"
[ a f o i ] says: because he so want to eat twisties, no choice lor.. we go back the Daisy-working shop and beg the tauke to let him buy at 20 cent lo.... after he eat half way, the tauke suddenly take back his word. So, Stephanie and Daisy now working together.

*The influence of Lotus Note. :S

Monday, April 24, 2006

Leo Man

He likes to comb his hair backward, open his forehead showing a dignify facial __expression. His eyes is sparkle, but slightly showing laziness. He walks firmly and slowly like a lion, confident and ego proud. Outside, you may think he is kind and gentle person, but inside he is a strong and secure person. If he is frighten, he will re-act and respond right away. His words always seem normal but mostly imply "order and demanding". He will not talk fast, or can not talk fast, neither walk fast. In a crowd or at work he will act normally, but not for long you will see him standing out of the crowd and be a center of attention with his words, or his action.

You might think he is a shy guy, but deep down inside he wants to power over his family and his friends. He just waits for that right moment. Do not take what is his, and do not order him, or else you will see a fierce lion. He respects elderly and senior, but will never bow down and accept like a looser for he will rather die than loose his dignity.

He talks bluntly even on an occasion that he should not say such thing. He is a compassionate guy and always look at other people on a bright side. He likes people to listen to him. Even he has such a blunt and bold personality, he could easily reach his goal without making any enemy.

Once disagree with him on something, he can be very up set like a rainy storm on a summer day. It will only last a short time, then he will be back a cheery merry person again. He is a bright and witty guy, and he will not put any efforts on something that he thinks it will not work and waste his energy. He is a good planner and can well manage his job assigned. When he gives order, he expect them to be carry out exactly. He is the leader type that the followers love.

He can give other people advice and solve problems for other people well, except his own mess. He can be easily hurt by other people especially if you do not trust or respect his ability. You could compliment him sometimes and make this lion be your kitty with no difficulty. He is not a good judge for he listen to many people and tend to belief all sides.

You can hardly see a Leo man with no woman by his side. If you see him alone, he could already have a love one in his heart, or just broken up with one. Because he is very proud, he can change many girl friends. He will do many things for the woman he loves, but loosing his face is not one of them. Leo man can not live without love , because for him Love is a ray of Light.

He likes people to rely on him, it's make him feels "in power". He may complaint if he is asked for favor, but deep inside he is happy that you asked him. If you offer to help him , he will refuse you right away.

When he is broke , he can find money still. He is not careful with his way of spending for he has fun with spending money and happy to buy what he likes. He lets other people borrow money from him easily even if he has no money, he will run to his friend to borrow money for you. He likes first class , first quality of everything.

He can work hard like a mad dog, and sometimes can be lazy like a lazy sleepy cat. When he works, he is very serious. When he parties, he can be a party animal. If he ask you out, you will sure have a fun and jolly time.

He will take chance with his love life, so if you know how to handle him, you will win. If he is your love one, it won't be a romance novel. You have to be ready to calm him down when he over reacts to small matters because your cool stability will control and ease his mood. If you can not handle or understand him, your relationship will be like a demolition zone, a on and off relationship till all your friends tired to hear about your breaking up and making up.

Beauty is always in the eyes of the lion. You have to be dignify to walk with the lion king. Your looks is part of his image and ego and he is very proud about it too. If you want his attention the first time you meet, you better be astounding attractive. If you have a first conversation with him, you have to show him how much you adore his thinking. He likes to talk and not knowing that he likes to talk about himself.

google browser

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Browsing google like those hacker hacking. Quite cool, but only for non-image based, I guess.

download google browser here

Sunday, April 23, 2006

In the olden day...

Did some house cleaning during the weekends, and found this in some 10-years-never-opened-drawer.

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Those were the "Double Dragon" time man.. miss that game alot~

Friday, April 21, 2006

fuck! lost ticket again

DAMN~ I lost the car park ticket again yesterday. Even the staff does not believe me. DAMN DAMN DAMN!!!! another 20 bucks gone..

Thursday, April 20, 2006


Boss told me that I need to study on some other product, and present the concept/flow to the big boss. Because they need that feature and wanted to do some reverse engineering. O-BLOOD~! yao jiang meh~!? Look at the bright side, I'll have more exposure. Look at the dark side, not that I know ALL about what I'm doing now. *sigh*

Why so many "big incident" happen recently? :o

Tuesday, April 18, 2006


After so long, I finally get a router last friday! Get to see afew chun chicks in the PC Fair.

NOW, i'm afew more hundreds poorer.

Go for 3Com instead of Zyxel, DLink, or LinkSys. Hope I dont make a dumb choice (again)

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I sucks!

Scenario One
Pointing to older version of DB for testing. Prompt for "Update". Clicked Update BUTTON. the DB is screwed and up to now, its STILL restoring. Caused two DB to temp down.

Scenario Two
Lift arrived, go in first, press the Open BUTTON. Only realised, its the "INTERCOM" button. Someone speak and as if need for any help. DAMN

Scenario Three
Lift arrived, go in first, someone ask me to hold it for him. press the "OPEN" BUTTON. Becaused its hold for too long, alert sound. So decided to let go, BUT, that damn "open" button is STUCK and couldn't "bounce" back. Hence, the lift's door can't be close. Caused one lift under maintenance.

DAMN!!!!! I SUCKS AT BUTTON SINCE LAST FRIDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Sunday, April 16, 2006

if the server is not restored by tomorrow...

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I'll be very stress... and...















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bye bye.

screwed with interference!

Reduce wireless interference.
If you have cordless phones or other wireless electronics in your home, your computer might not be able to "hear" your router over the noise from the other wireless devices. To quiet the noise, avoid wireless electronics that use the 2.4GHz frequency. Instead, look for cordless phones that use the 5.8GHz or 900MHz frequencies.

I need to buy another new phone? DAMN!!!!

Top 4 Wish List as of 16-Aprl-2006
1. micro filter
2. wifi usb adapter
2. 5GHz cordless phone
3. a girlfriend
4. Jerrys Nugget SE K790

Friday, April 14, 2006

Today Special

Today is really NOT my day. Whatever test I did, all the result turn negative, whilst the other pc, works fine. This song cheer me up abit at 5.50PM. But weird thing is, its not any cheerful song.

listen here

PBMag by Maluzz Publisher Ltd

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Woke up at 3Am yesterday night. Doesnt feel too well. The feeling is strange. As if something gonna happen. I checked uder my bed, no kids with damn fair skin under my bed. I check in the toilet, no old women washing cloth. So I went back sleep.

Reach office as usual, not much workflow coming in. Listening to some music. Looks like a good day to me, the sun is doing good out there, the room temperature is just nice.

Then, I have a new request coming in, a totally new one to me. So after consult from senior, I start to work on it. Then, prompted for a page, to do some update. Shit happens.

I just overwrited the old version of DB to NEW one. WHICH IS WRONG~!!! TOTALLY WRONG!!!

The result, "server temporary out of service until further notice".

yeah, DAMN!!! the BIGGEST shit I ever created in this company. to most of my colleagues, this is FAR BIGGER than those they did. DAMN DAMN DAMN!

I knew it!!!

GOOD FRIDAY is a BAD DAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! DAMN!!!

Thursday, April 13, 2006

new target locked!!!

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Hope I can get a wireless router by this week.

P/S to myself. Target STILL locked to K790/K800 until the annoucement of the price.

i'm an ass!!!

Eww~ last time, I heard IT is very good , and bright future. So I go in IT line. Now, work like shits and get shit pay. Why nobody tell me, contractor is the BEST JOB one can get?

MCH~! Else I can propose to build bridge to link Penang and Singapore, Sabah and Johor , Langkawi and Tioman. Making shit money out of "Project Cancelled".

Now, STOP Questioning/Complaining what THEY decided! just stop! They need a way to spend the BILLIONS of money saved on the petrol subsidy, so, just STOP questioning!

Tuesday, April 11, 2006



Army Size


385,537,578 Gold


Hand of God

Attack Rating

Defend Rating

Spy Rating

Sentry Rating

tailou in Age4