Monday, July 31, 2006

still awake

Shit! Should not take the 5 hours short afternoo nap, and the coffe after dinner!

Saturday, July 29, 2006

solid! but... but.....

After using it for 1 day, overall, thumbs up. good performance, fast enough response time, look solid, feel solid. Although noticed afew known bug, but it "should" be fixed via next firmware release.


The picture quality is not up to my expectation. I should treat it as a phone more than a camera. Afterall, it IS a phone. No luck on trying to replace my ciplak Nikon with this phone. HOPEFULLY, after afew firmware update, the picture quality will be better and better and better and better.

blog this function

ngek ngek

Friday, July 28, 2006

the long wait!

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I want that chair!!!

Exactly SAME expression when a kid cant get the sweet

Thursday, July 27, 2006

big bro letter box

Yesterday night, received your sms. Sounds like some big trouble. Called and know its some relationship problem. I always think, if nothing about Health or Family problem, that is NOTHING serious.

Time flies, People Come, Things Changed. But you only have ONE family, and ONE body. Tressure the things you have, and for those you can get it back once you lost it, fuck it!

Wednesday, July 19, 2006

is UPM == Untuk Pig M***y ???


University is a place for you to study, not for you to waste tax payer's money. You're such a useless maggot!!! Even France Footballer have more respect from me than you bunch of useless PIGZ!!!!!

Source from merdekareview

Tuesday, July 18, 2006

Drunken Master


Monday, July 17, 2006

for the first time

For the first time in past four months. I feel that I'm useful again!! Although its been very busy day. But I felt that I'm actually USEFUL! And, FINALLY, manage to processed and scale down the pending targets to 2X !!! I love myself and impressed with myself. *drool*

Saturday, July 15, 2006

training program

Before you're qualify for the Jalan Ipoh Weekend Race, first you must went thru this sort of multi level training

Level 1

Title: Do It Yourself
Description: In this level, yoiu must perform any required action alone. And of course, without harm.

Level 2

Title: Pair-is Hill-turn
Description: Training in pair. free hand, without harm

Level 3

Title: The Final Stand
Descrption: Get a chick behind your bike, and make sure people still can recognise her as a chick after the training

Level 4

Title: Shaolin Metal Head
Description: N/A

Level 5

Title: The Retarded Superman
Description: Your guts more be as big as your brain*

*Brain size are accordingly to average human brain size and NOT the whore waitress worked in MGF, Kepong

you're such a sucky whore waitress

I do not look down at you because you're a waitress. I look down at you because of your sucky attitude. Where did you brain gone? Or, do you ever have one? Some article say, pig is actually quite a small animal. But why arent you shows any of your intelligence at all ?

I'm such a loser for NOT taking your photo and post it here. Wait.. I cant do that.. it should be Halal here. DAMN!!

to the restaurant boss. Your cheap slut waitress will make your shop close down.

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afoi: there is this fucking cockroach inside the dish
whore: its like that.. not that we purposely put that.

OK... now, this is something ON PURPOSE. This curse goes to you. "I wish that you will never have the fun of feeling a solid cock, and one day when you wake up in the night, your smelly puss are filled with COCKroach. FUCK YOU BITCH!!!!

now, i am really worry about my friend

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should be a HE or SHE ?

How can I help? I do not know is a he/she anymore. To who I should refer to?

Dr.Hauck ? Dr. Robert F. Sarmiento ? or Dr Leslie Kuek ?

Friday, July 14, 2006


Thursday, July 13, 2006


for the first time, workload is heavy. Compare with previous job, the stress is close to NIL now.. but.. very tight schedule to rush for.. still cant the 3 japanese chun chick out of my mind, whom i met in KFC. Ms.Kimochi , Ms.Yamateh and Ms.Itai

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

not easy to get a combo hit... whats more, its a 6 combo hits!


Clipboard Secrets | Funny Videos | Funny

found in lowyat forum

so, its true that all Italian are gay?

uhhmm...... err...uhhmmm.....

Monday, July 10, 2006

old clip...but what the heck??

link by woolysusi

this is good.. but not good enough

They don't even deserve to come until Finals!! Look how stupid you are! bastard.. can go dye... your hair... oh wait.. you dont have any...

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Friday, July 07, 2006

ooppss I did it again...

keong-ed. I did it again. Created two test account in LIVE environment. O-blood again!!! Not as serious as last time, but still... DAMN!! 01 Sup SecLvl Tst ar lar!! 01 Res SecLvl Tst ar lar!!! shiet!!!!!

I always envy people with such creativity and talent

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Boh Bag Boy

How can I not bringing my bag to work today? And I only noticed that AFTER I reached the car park. WTF!?

And I think the buyer avoiding me. MCH!!! Looks like I'll be very poor for very long time.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

You're pitiful

Image Hosting at Bolt | Myspace Games

You're Pitiful
My life is brilliant
[What, was I too early -
Oh, sorry, should I -
Do you want to start over, or -
Keep going - okay… now, now?]

My life is brilliant
Your life's a joke
You're just pathetic
You're always broke
Your homemade Star Trek uniform
Really ain't impressin' me
You're sufferin' from delusions of adequacy

You're pitiful
You're pitiful
You're pitiful, it's true

Never had a date
That you couldn't inflate
And you smell repulsive, too
What a bummer bein' you

Well you just can't dance
And forget romance
Everybody you know still calls ya
Farty pants
But you'll always have a job
Well, I mean…
As long as you still can work that Slurpie machine

You're pitiful
You're pitiful
You're pitiful, it's true

You're half undressed
Eating chips off your chest
While you're playin' Halo 2
No one's classier than you

La-la-la-la loser

You're pitiful
You're pitiful
You're pitiful, it's true

Your dog would much rather
Play fetch by itself
You still live with your mom and you're 42
Guess you'll never grow a clue

Well, it just sucks to be you

From Weird Al

My cubicle

Image Hosting at Bolt | Myspace Games

My Cubicle
My job is stupid,
My day's a bore,
Inside this office,
From 8 to 4.

Nothing ever happens,
My life is pretty blank,
Pretending that I am working,
Pray that I don't get canned.

My cubicle, my cubicle,
It's 1 of 62,
It's my small space,
In a crowded place,
Just a six by six board booth,
And I hate it, that's the truth.

When I give a sigh,
As the boss walks by,
No one ever talks to me,
Or looks at me in the eye,
And I really should work,
But instead I just sit here,
And surf the internet.

And my cubicle, my cubicle,
It doesn't have a view,
It's my small space,
In a crowded place,
I sit inside there too,
And sometimes I sit here nude.

By Morning Sidekick

Monday, July 03, 2006



Sunday, July 02, 2006

say "NO" to gambling

During this world cup 2006, many of people will start to gambling. Many people get into deep shit because of gambling. Some people cant pay back the debt, and commited suicide, run off, or even drag their family member into trouble.

Most of the gambler will have the "try more luck" attitude, and hoping to cover back what they lost. That is when nasty shit happens.

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One of the gambler who lost shits in WC 2006.

"I first started off to take out 300 to bet only. Which IF I lost all, I shall stop"

"Then, I started to won quite frequent. And started to increase my bet"

"I always managed to recover back from looses in next few matches"

"So I decided to give it again"

"I doubled my bill......"

"I urge all who gambled, please quit. It is a very very very very unhealthy practise, and very heartache"

"You can use the money to go for a July-Aug Trip, buy a new handphone AND a case of Jerrys Nugget."


Saturday, July 01, 2006

Friday night

Went to Subang to watch the Quarter Final World Cup match. Have not been soooooooo noisy for so long time. Shout so much that, I lost my voice. Play safe bring in only 50+ , but Italy screwed. SIGH.......................................................................................