Sunday, October 29, 2006


How many times I watched movie based on "how nice the poster look like"? Thats exactly how many times I watched shitty movie.

First, we have "What's the Worst That Could Happen?" in year 2001.

our JuJu fall asleep after 27th minutes of the show.

Then, venom! its NOTHING scary and NO excitement AT ALL! (2005)

Wicker Man really make us feel weak when watching in. (2006)

and today, FrostBite(n) !!!!!

its NOT EVEN AN ENGLISH MOVIE!!!!!!!!!! ALL , ALL langauge used in that movie are in sweedish ( i guess, as its a sweedish production) except "fuck" , "mutha fucka".
See it to believe. Still dont? then, try again and again and again if you dont believe this

Friday, October 27, 2006

Now, we can conclude that, LRT == Like Rally Train.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

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or, here for the news in

thats right. its friday again

BBPhone == BadBilling Phone?

poor Danny found out his tm bill got charged for extra RM 8k for his BBPhone usage.

TMNet, TheMaggot Net

Thursday, October 26, 2006

eat this, korowai!

First, Taksin, Now, Bush

George Bush singing "Sunday Bloody Sunday"

Tuesday, October 24, 2006


as usual, nothing much to do during off day. went to lunch with Captain Steve. then, proceed to fetch ahfeifei, bento, and princess for dinner + movie.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
First, we have Nippon Tei for dinner.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

My first time watching movie at iMax. the screeen is freaking huge. Five-story high.

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For the first time too, i saw that liberty lady come out frmo the screen. Nothing if compare to that disney show, but consider "not bad"

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No, that's NOT two bear

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Friday, October 20, 2006

首相阿都拉说 : 大马华人生活得比土著好,因为政府提供机会,让他们成功。你赞同吗?
AFOI说 : 赶羚羊啊。。赶羚羊
凯利说 : 我没有错
AFOI说 : 草支摆啊,草支摆

Thursday, October 19, 2006

Dragostea Din Taksin

or here from

QR Code!

Finally, QR Code Reader application is here! And whats more important, K800i compatible!!

by Kaywa

Tuesday, October 17, 2006

70-229 are over!!!

I passed the 70-229~ Dont need to study anymore~! woohoo.. was expecting a fullmark thou.. too bad cant get a full score.. lol

USD80 are secured and claimable, at last! call me Mr.931 ~

Sunday, October 15, 2006



Wednesday, October 11, 2006


Are you rushing to give a blow job? If you're the last pig in the world, i will quit eating pork. 法克优! Along!


I levitate again.

Looking at the 2 girls reaction, I know, very soon I'll be getting back into magick again.

Tuesday, October 03, 2006

Sony Ericsson MBW-100


Why must this happen to me? Everytime when I feel like saving more money, more useless stuff will pop up and kill the intention of saving money? why? w.h.a.t why ?