Wednesday, January 31, 2007

its over...

- 28.01.2007 -

Saturday, January 27, 2007

One month is a lie...

My old aunt's situation suddenly become worst. Bad.................

One month...

Everyone seem to be "OK" with the news.

I'm feeling really down.

I don't know what the fuck my mum tulan about, I don't fucking care.

I just know that, sometimes, once you missed it, you'll gonna missed it the rest of your life.

I hope I still can be the stupid afoi that most people hate in their smile, than a depressed afoi.

Thursday, January 25, 2007

dont mess with someone who is in great stress

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Hoping for miracle...

Seeing her lying on the ward, reminds me of my dad. Permanent relief also means we lost him forever, but his affection will last rest of my life. I hope i'm not disappointing you. Amitabha.

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Posing Tips - Waistlines, Thighs and Bustlines

Here’s a quick posing tip if your subject is a little conscious of their waistline and want it to appear a little narrower than it really is (I’d put that at about 90% of us).

Get them to rotate their upper body slightly at the waist and you’ll find that it gives the impression of a thinner tummy area. It’s amazing what a simple twist can do! This is a popular technique with many red carpet celebs.

Another popular red carpet pose involves celebrities crossing one leg over in front of the other one. This has the effect of narrowing the thigh region a little (and/or making the celebrity look like they need a bathroom break).

Lastly, if you want to emphasize the bustline of your subject, get them to arch their shoulders back a little. This action naturally pushes the chest out a touch.

from DPS

Monday, January 15, 2007


received a forwarded email, READ IT ! chinese!! VOTE DOG , VOTE PIG. DON'T VOTE BEE AND....

油价一夜飙升 30仙,我们午夜前得到消息,一边谩骂,一边飞车去油站排队打油。 等了老半天终于在 12点前打了起价前的油,算算下我们省下了十多块钱,心中竟然还有一点点的庆幸消息灵通。 隔天我们看到报纸见到朋友我们又继续谩骂政府,批评政府无能,得到一个结论,日子难过啊!我们就得勤力一点工作,少点出门咯。 然后每次我们去油站打油时,还是忍不住谩骂一番。 但骂归骂,我们还是在电视上看到国油赞助的 F1车队在风驰电掣。 看完 F1 ,明天还是得上班去。 生活还是天天这样过。。。

我们孩子慢慢长大了,是时候要报名入校了。 奈何我们的花园住宅区没有华小,我们得跑到几公里外的华小去报名。 不只如此,因为额位有限,我们漏夜排队在华小外餐风露宿就为了希望我们的孩子能挤进去。 我们一边排队,也是一边谩骂政府,谩骂马华没照顾我们。 好不容易我们成功为孩子报名了,心中无限喜悦。 等到孩子开课了,因为学校远,塞车,我们及孩子们每天得5 点多就起身准备去上课了。 我们睡眠不足,塞车,又看到隔壁的马来邻居的孩子可以睡到7 点多才慢慢走路到我们家后面的国校上课时,我们又开始谩骂政府,谩骂马华。 但骂归骂,每天还是继续睡眠不足,每天还是继续塞车高血压。 生活还是天天这样过。。。

再不久,我们的孩子拿着一张筹款簿回家,学校要扩建,学校规定学生们都必须筹到某某数目才可以。 我们自掏腰包拿出一笔数目,但由于还是达不到校方指定的数目,我们的孩子下课后就得沿家挨户去筹款。 我们一边心疼,一边又无奈自己收入不多,不能自掏腰包那么多钱。 我们就到学校去和老师商量,希望老师明白我们及孩子们的处境。 我们来到学校,看到我们的孩子们五六十人挤在一间像鸽子笼般的课室,又看到老师无奈的眼神,我们知道学校也是没办法的。。。

回家路途,经过我们住宅区内的国小时,我们看到那宏伟的校舍,冷气设备的课室,但却只有区区小猫两三只在里面上学,我们又火滚了!! 我们又开始谩骂政府,谩骂马华。 然后呢,我们得到一个结论,我们必须勤力点做工,多赚点钱,那么我们就可以改善华小的处境,我们的孩子才不会那么苦命。 每天上班下班,我们经过那间国小,我们还是忍不住谩骂。 骂归骂,那间国小还是继续宏伟站在那边,我们每天还是早出晚归当金钱的奴隶。 生活还是天天这样过。。。

孩子们一天一天长大啦,为了让孩子们成绩赶得上,我们送孩子去很多很多的补习班,每个月花在补习的费用算百。 还好孩子争气,成绩总算还很好,我们每天做牛做马拖出那笔补习费也心甘情愿。 终于STPM 考试来啦,我们的孩子们也不负我们多年来血泪汗的栽培,考获了全A !! 这下我们以为我们及我们的孩子可以出人头地了,可以考上梦想中的医科系了。 然而后来我们惊觉孩子们没拿到梦想的医科系,而是其它的科系!!!

我们大跌眼镜,全 A 生都拿不到医科系,那么谁才能拿到医科系??!! 又看到隔壁那个平时成绩一般的马来邻居,竟然被JPA 保送去英国念大学!!! 我们开始火滚了!!!又开始谩骂政府,谩骂马华。 然后呢,我们得到一个结论,我们得勤力一点工作,赚多一点钱,然后以后才能供我们的孩子出国读私立大学。 每天上班下班,经过国立大学,我们就忍不住谩骂。 但骂归骂,每天我们我们加班到半夜三更回家时,经过大学附近,看到很多马来大学生还在嘛嘛档仙大炮不睡觉。 生活还是天天这样过。。。

又一天,我们接到坏消息,我们认识的朋友遇到掠夺案,给人抢手提袋时不幸摔倒就这样往生了。。。 我们去参加他的丧礼,看到他的丈夫孩子家人哭到稀里哗啦,我们都忍不住掉下同情泪。 然后我们一群人就坐下来开始谩骂政府警方无能,未能保护人民。 就这样骂呀骂,时候也不早了,我们也回家了。 回到家门口,刚下车,正要打开门锁,一把刀指在我们背后,"打抢,动就要你命!!!" 结果我们的钱包里的钱,一切证件,就这样给抢去了。 我们来到警局报案,被人像球那样从这一区踢到另一区,终于被踢到一间肯让我们备案的警局。 然而那间警局也有不少人来报案,在柜台的警察没几个,柜台后却有几位大爷在那边闲聊。 我们在警局磨了几个钟,备了案,三更半夜才回到家。隔天还得请假去其它政府部门办理其它证件遗失的手续。 在那些政府部门也是像人球那些被踢来踢去,磨了一整天总算解决了。 在整个过程中我们不断在谩骂政府,谩骂警方。 终于我们得到一个结论,绝对不能靠警方。 治安不好就请人在住宅区巡逻,夜晚尽量少出门。 连篱笆门也换了电动的,到达家时左看右看,看到没有可疑人物是快快开自动们车子快快驾进去然后快快关门。 这一些多出来的开销,就只好勤力点赚钱补回去咯。 然后每天我们经过警察局时还是忍不住谩骂。 但骂归骂,我们偶尔还是会不小心给那些在树荫下找吃的KAKI 抓到,还是得塞30 块给他们喝咖啡去。 生活还是天天这样过。。。

终于大选来咯。我们磨拳擦掌,想要给政府一个脸色看。 但政府随意派派一些糖果,我们当中就乱了阵脚。 我们开始左看右看,在野党就越看越不像样。。。 我们就开始担心,要不要拿我们的未来当赌注。。。 我们就想,现在的政府虽然很多弊端,但至少我们还是有饭可吃,有衣好穿,有床好睡。。。 油起价,就多赚点钱少出门咯。。。 华小被忽略,就多赚点钱我们自立咯。。。 进不了国立大学,就多赚点钱读国外大学咯。。。 治安不好警方无能,就多赚点钱自己请保安,塞钱给警察求平安咯。。。 总之只要我们努力赚钱就可以解决一切了。。。 如果换了政府,可能什么都没有了。。。 结果BN 继续独大,政府继续滥权,警察继续吃钱, 我们呢,继续埋头苦干做牛做马赚钱。。。


Sunday, January 14, 2007

Slow Sunday...

Did nothing meaningful this week. Just trying the +4.

If she'd following my blog, she probly won't ask if I have a gf or not.

Saturday, January 13, 2007

what is 180?

Very long time ago, 180 can be a guitar tuner, or 60 guitar "pick"

Then, 180 changed to 90 hours of counter strike + starcraft

Soon after that, 180 changed to a case of Bicyler Rider Back playing card.

For a normal G7,









180 can be a plastic surgery to become,

All thanks to Philip who helped me to get all this from Singapore!!!!!!

Friday, January 12, 2007

肥仔個頭啊, a f o i 個頭

編曲:Jacky Cai






















Monday, January 08, 2007

My Life....

just received this nice song from canto the fuu. My Life!!! by Depapepe!! its a nice song.. a song which sounds somewhat, posiive.

Its the beginging on a new year again.

I resume my normal working life again.

Looking at last year resolution, I think I only didnt fulfilled the last one.
This year, I dont think I'll need any extra thing. Just hope everyone stay healthy , and happy with what we have.

Ultimate Plan
1. save money
2. save money
3. save money

Monday, January 01, 2007

human being...

When someone in bad situation, one tends to only seek for basic needs. When someone is out of the shit, and started to having his/her comfort zone, one starts to demand.

When I ask you NOT to said things that you're unsure, it's because I dont want you to say something wrong. But you inteprated as "irrespectful".

When I keep silent when I'm mad, just to NOT making any situation worst, you said I'm bad temper.

Why I want to correct you when you're wrong ?

Why I even bother to talk to you when your mind is stuck ?

If you can't feel the caring and love that I'm giving, thats it. I hate to force someone doing something. You like, you come. You dont, I leave.

No more negging from me. I'll just treat you as normal by passer.