Thursday, April 19, 2007

[5:51:41 PM] yau mou lan says: hiihi
[5:52:24 PM] The Vampire! says: hi
[5:52:33 PM] yau mou lan says: hihi
[5:53:21 PM] The Vampire! says: how are you doing there
[5:53:27 PM] yau mou lan says: ok
[5:53:28 PM] yau mou lan says: u
[5:53:37 PM] The Vampire! says: so so lor..
[5:53:42 PM] yau mou lan says: what ur job
[5:53:48 PM] The Vampire! says: IT related
[5:53:56 PM] yau mou lan says: oic
[5:54:00 PM] yau mou lan says: where
[5:54:04 PM] yau mou lan says: i work as beautician
[5:54:18 PM] The Vampire! says: wow..
[5:54:21 PM] The Vampire! says: KLCC
[5:54:37 PM] The Vampire! says: so you can make good facial lor ?
[5:54:38 PM] The Vampire! says: hehe
[5:54:48 PM] yau mou lan says: oklo
[5:55:06 PM] The Vampire! says: so, what are you doing there?
[5:55:26 PM] yau mou lan says: i stuck at jb terrenganu now
[5:55:44 PM] The Vampire! says: ehhh ?
[5:55:45 PM] The Vampire! says: apasal ?
[5:55:48 PM] The Vampire! says: go theer for work ?
[5:56:11 PM] yau mou lan says: no la i got rob in there all my things finish
[5:56:22 PM] yau mou lan says: luckily my laptop and my car key with me
[5:56:35 PM] yau mou lan says: thts why now i online for need help
[5:57:39 PM] The Vampire! says: har ?
[5:57:41 PM] The Vampire! says: :O :O
[5:58:01 PM] The Vampire! says: that sucks
[5:58:02 PM] The Vampire! says: are you ok ?
[5:58:21 PM] yau mou lan says: no now inee help
[5:58:34 PM] yau mou lan says: and i know nobody will believe in net friend
[5:58:55 PM] The Vampire! says: i think its easier to get help in police station
[5:59:24 PM] yau mou lan says: police also no use
[5:59:36 PM] yau mou lan says: i just need petrol and toll money back
[5:59:59 PM] The Vampire! says: then how ppl can help u ?
[6:00:03 PM] The Vampire! says: since u're in pahang
[6:00:11 PM] The Vampire! says: and u only have laptop and car
[6:00:33 PM] The Vampire! says: if you got petrol.. sure u can do lodge a police report right ?
[6:00:41 PM] yau mou lan says: idont know whther can believe or nor not coz i really never lie
[6:01:14 PM] yau mou lan says: coz i at here maybe if i borrow account you can help me then you bank in la when i back kl iapy you
[6:01:18 PM] yau mou lan says: pay
[6:04:59 PM] The Vampire! says: how are you doing to withdraw money if you only left car key and notebook ?
[6:05:37 PM] yau mou lan says: i try to borrow account if you can help me if cant never mind
[6:05:54 PM] The Vampire! says: borrow account ?
[6:05:58 PM] The Vampire! says: you got the account number now ?
[6:06:36 PM] yau mou lan says: i can borrow account
[6:06:44 PM] The Vampire! says: what is the account number?
[6:06:47 PM] yau mou lan says: coz i online at the place
[6:06:57 PM] yau mou lan says: i use my laptop to online
[6:07:00 PM] yau mou lan says: wait i ask
[6:07:18 PM] The Vampire! says: you should ask the owner to borrow you money and not account
[6:07:20 PM] The Vampire! says: its abit weird
[6:08:14 PM] yau mou lan says: he dont know me how to borrow anyway no nit la since u think i lie
[6:08:27 PM] The Vampire! says: ok.. wish you good luck

MCH.. you think I really so sohai meh? tiu nei... too bad i going back now.. else i'll take your account number and report to police! tiu!!!

Wednesday, April 18, 2007

Joseph the!

Monday, April 16, 2007


I can't even sing~!! and somebody have such talent~! tiu....

Sunday, April 15, 2007

na na na na.. NA!

Thursday, April 12, 2007

No good.

Sometimes good thing can be nasty. A&W staff is having relationship problem, or they hired a new staff.

Monday, April 09, 2007

ThinkFun - Rush Hour Deluxe

Its been awhile since i shop online. Last week, my STP brought this "Rush Hour" logic game to office. Addicted since then.

So, I decided to get it. water-fished as usual, choose the most expensive shipping. The item finally arrived today!! Then, a colleague told me, Jaya Jusco is selling them. I DON'T CARE HOW MUCH THEY'RE SELLING HERE!! ggrrrrrrr..

Hope this game will keep mum busy from thinking of her eye sight. She likes it.

Monday, April 02, 2007


丢你啊星! better luck next time. argrgh!!