Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Appreciation Day

During a Sunny Day,

The company say it is an "Appreciation Day"

Some of them think hard, what to write.

And some people just have fun!

Whatever it is, everyone had fun!

And I got some too!

when you have 三头六臂

photoshop disaster

geez... when photoshop goes wrong. I must say those people are really too boring and too much of free time.

Monday, April 28, 2008

New project started....

Will it be a good one? Or another bad planning project? I can't pinpoint anyone this time...... I'm the planner!

Friday, April 25, 2008


If you don't then it shows you have no heart.

Send this out, or you will have bad luck.

Forward this to 10 friends,and if.....

Good luck will strike on you, if you send this out in 5 minutes.

What the fuck is with all this sick mail ? DAMN IT! stop sending me those chain mail !!! I enjoy reading all those meaningful article. But just don't fucking include the stupid chain mail message in.

p/s : ok guys, please continue forward email to me. i'm bored!

Monday, April 21, 2008

we have a winner here...


Saturday, April 19, 2008

Humpy bear

So what's next? Bebbit ? These thing are sold as one and supposed to be some shits like friendship forever or whatever. Ya, friends after hump? Not bad.

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Dari punggungmata M.Ali.Rust@m

some loser ( just disabled the comment system. Well, because what he wrote is junk of rubbish, and got trashed by people who have brain!

p/s: good job on mkini to grab the comment before loser disabled it. LOL

Rustam : Rakyat = 0 : 1

Rustam OWNED!

stay the way you are... all the time!

Only few remember what life was, before.

-click to enlarge-

Monday, April 14, 2008

again and again....

Here come another meaningless, ego, stupid meeting. 我真希望烧这些钱给你们...

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

What I do in Hong Kong?

Finally, I appeared in candid shot~ lol

Monday, April 07, 2008

HDD gone

Home pc finally koyak. Ordering new PC! (but not by me :D ). Can't recall if I have anything important inside the HDD.. Hope not.

Tuesday, April 01, 2008


Resigned and going back Taiping to open a VCD shop. Because...

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