Went back hometown during wesak day weekend. Its the same old peaceful quiet town.. peaceful no more.. The criminal case is getting higher and higher. As usual, I couldnt get away with the "3-must-have-routine". Everyone seems to be busy with their working life. And damn... I miss those moment when I still a student back in my hometown.
Mum ask me to go back to old house to do a final inspection. We sold that house, the house where I grew up. Every place in that house reminds me of alot of thing. Snap some photo before it's knock down.

It look so old..

Everythings gone. But not the mighty bike which I used to conquer the whole town with. Hey, I got a very top skill in riding a bike.

Looks like there's some prayer soon. This stage is right beside my house. and DAMN! everytime around the year end exam, they'll be having this sort of "celebration". You'll be listening to those remix music until early morning. The result? I never do good in exam. But hey, that isn't that bad. At least I had something to blame on. (That explain why I nvr kena from parents when i failed 5/10 subjects)

I wonder how can the Dr. who rent the house can live in such condition. He nvr even want to move the furniture out from the room. Looks like some place for the "Eat Big Rice Tea" gang to gather.

The dining hall.

The kitchen. I used to prepare some late supper here, when I stay up late to study. Wait a minute.. Study ? I mean.. doing some online reference revision.

My room, no more..

This view of my room's window is just nice when there's any prayer in the temple. Had you seen how the people penetrate the long long long steel bar on their mouth? Had you seen how the people "invite" the so called "god" to used their body to communicate with other people?
Basically, I see alot of thing over here. Especially lenglui with pray there. Ahh.. how nice.

Usually friend will hang out here. Cock talking session, Online Reference revision.

They (DV,fei and gangs) used to stay here when they pay the visit here.

The place I felt abit sorry for. I cant remember when does it happen. But am pretty sure I was just in lower form in primary school. It happen during CNY. Where I play alot with the fire cracker. There is this "super spinning lotus with extra effect" firecracker, which meant to be lite on the floor and it will spin like a lotus. BUT, that is just way to dull to play with. So I lite and THROW it high up the sky. It drop at the road and start to spin. Shit. RIGHT on the spot, there is a old old lady there. And she's VERY VERY panic with the firecracker which jumping all around her. FCUK! I'm sorry! I enter the house without telling anyone about this.

The palce I go when I had arguement with family. Yes, the back yard. Its also the place where I had my "arson training" here. Radio? Chair? When I was at younger age, some of the small kiddo from the temple will climb this wall and look for me. Also, we have a whistler each, where we have to report to the place whenever we heard of the whistler. yeah right.. How hard I blow, no body will give a fcuk.. becase I dont either, when I heard any.

The picasso master piece we bought during year of 1999. Its about 1.3 million by that time. Not too sure how much it cost now. Did I say it's in Rupiah?

The BEST view for "thunder storm watch". Everytime raining, I'll be staring at this open space. And yes, you can see all sort of nice lighting. Because of the open space, Thunder striking is always around my house. I love watching thunder.

My nice nice nice neighbour accross the road. The uncle used to be my school bus driver, who is very very very very nice. Also, the aunty is a very very very very kind lady. They give me Bobby the dog when I was young, and help me to bury him when he left me. I wish they're always as cheerful and as happy as they were.

The attack of the pest. One of the staircase's wood finished by the pest. According to the pest control dude. This the WORST case he ever encounter in his 20 years carrer. (yau mou lan?) But then, when you go near, you'll listen the sounds made by the pest.

My shit goes here. But some people steel the cover and sell it.
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