Saturday, May 28, 2005

Never tell your mum you got extra cash. NEVER!

All gone.. but hopefully by this way, I'll have some saving. Or, at least I can make my mum proud. His son is giving her money already!

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I think I must give more to my mum. I had some self control crisis lately. I cant really control my expanses anymore. shit...

There is this new cafe in my hometown. The interior design is superb. Heard its by one of my friend's brother.

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They have water flowing the window. The environment is... nice. But the food there is just so so. Spacious, not too crowded. Over price for hometown standard.


ED said...

Foi, since when u became millionaire? actually u can tell ur mom u got extra money just that she will save ur money into 'her own saving account', just that this saving account nvr have interest & the money will nvr return for u.. hehe

afoi said...

but still better than i spend in some not-too-useful way... millioaire? i WILL be one after everyone became trillionaire

sk said...

You can't control to spend on decks only.. other still ok..
if you didn't get "lou-larp" by ur mum.. the money will still gone also... hahaha

Now can save money + can make ur mum proud, why not?

mighty bento said...

aiya afoi... no need to worry so much. Now you are magician oledi mar... Using one piece RM50 you can transform another 3 pice RM50... so why u so sked...??

afoi said...

bento, the fan is actually using only one note.. its a illusion...

mighty bento said...

i'm in great dillemma... should i report to police....cos u forgot to put "contoh" or "specimen" on the notes b4 u post...

afoi said...

i think u should report to police