Thursday, September 29, 2005

Slow day...

Nothing much happened.. learnt some new technique... go out walk walk stand stand... at home trying to save The Earth by lower down the O2 consumption by hibernating...

Make Color Make Water

Monday, September 26, 2005

Happy Graduation Day to my brother

Today was my brother's graduation day. After 5 years of hardwork, he finally graduated AND started his even worst life. Well, after he start his work, I dare not to complaint that "I'm busy" anymore (in fact, i'm nothing close to "busy" at the moment). At least he likes what he's doing. One thing good about it is, he's way too busy to spend his money. So, he decided to gimme some extra cash to spend during HK trip~ hurray~!!!!

Well done, doc~ Wishing you all the best!

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Sunday, September 25, 2005

This is what I call, Deep Blue Sky!

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Find some time and slow down your footstep. Observe what's going on around you.

Saturday, September 24, 2005

I'm getting more and more boh lard

Today, I decided to live life live~ So, I went jogging with fei and dv on the morning. Fei reached my place at 8AM and I'm still having candle light dinner with some of my dream girl. THEN he called~ arrghhhh.. NEVERMIND... so after 5 mins, I join him and goto dv's place to pick him up.

We jog at Taman Tasek Menjalara. The lake is empty anywway, and the place is kinda packed. After two round of walk walk and some warm up, we decided to start jogging. Still going strong on the first half lap. THEN, I started to feel tired. SHIT~!! I already had the dizzy feel after ONE lap. . . . . SHAME ON ME. Looks like my stamina, all gone~!

After another 30 mins of so called "exercise", we decided to go for breakfast. After breakfast, we proceed to SOMAS to have a look at the warehouse sale. The place is crazy... long queue of car entering that area.

Main thing is, I've lack of exercise for a long period, and been maintainning some real slumber life style.. now that I've lost the stamina, I have one serious thought. If I keep on like this, my future gf wife will be the first one to feel the impact. So, for god's sake, for her happiness, I must gain back my stamina!

My target is to last at least 40 mins!!!!
Of course, I mean JOGGING.

Monday, September 19, 2005

Photo Oriented Story

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One day, as usual, afoi walking down the street, hoping to spot any horny bitch humped by some strong dog. No luck, so afoi keep walking along the street. Its a cloudy day, not many people on the street.

Suddenly, there's a white honda speeding towards him. *Horn* "Oi.. come in.." Its DV who drive the car. Since he had nothing to do, so afoi decided to bump in his car and hoping if he could fetch afoi further to try his luck in spotting those horny bitch and strong dog.

DV drive and drive and drive. After some times, DV still drive and drive and drive. Afoi start to feel uneasy about this.

"Where you fetching me to?"

"Soon, you'll know.."

"Are we there yet?"

"Soon, you'll know.."

"Please.. Let me out of here... I dont want to dye... my hair.. you want to send me to "sar lone" ?? "

"Soon, you'll know.."

Since DV want to play "suspend" afoi decided to take a nap first. So, afoi reach down his pocket and surprisingly, he found a tooth brush. So after brushing his teeth and dv's teeth , afoi go and sleep.

After 3 days and 5 night, afoi woke up. *SHOCK*

"Where are you fetching me to~!!??"

"Soon, you'll know.."

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There is a strong light infront of the road. Afoi cant hardly open his eyes and see things. DV is wearing some sort of goggle.

Oh no, where is this~? where is DV fetching afoi to? The light grow stronger and stronger. Suddenly........












Afoi feels hungry.

"Do you have anything to eat in ya car?"

"you want to eat steamboat or spagetti?"

"how about steamboat?"

"sorry... dont have.."

"arrghh.. too bad.. then.. spagetti will do.. "

"sorry.. dont have as well.."

"but I'm hungry.."

"ok nevermind.. I'll make you some dumpling"

So , DV go to the back of the car, and light some fire and start to cook the ingredient for making some dumpling. The car is on fully auto-pilot mode.

"The dumpling is ready... come downstair and eat..."

"you mean... you have ANOTHER floor in your car?"

"you mean.. yours dont?"

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The dumpling look so delicious. Afoi finished 3 plate of dumpling.

"Just curious.. how you make this dumpling? its so delicious"

"Oh.. I put red chilis and green one, together with some herbs leaves"

"No wonder.. how creative you are.. as normally, people use wooden chair as ingredient"

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After the meal, afoi go downstair and take a hot and nice bath at the "Natural Hot Water Spring" place. Its such a nice room. Out of sudden..










The water start to floar in the air!!! So afoi decided to peek on the Window.


Afoi saw the Window Longhorn. Looks likes Microsoft had already released the new version of Windows!

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"Hi, afoi.. I'd brought you to the outer space. We're going to go to the galaxy.. This the gateway to the KongwartthaiYhaoHuetMai planet"

"But... I thought this is chris's apartment~?"

"Shit.. you knew ~!!! Shit!!! NO WAY!!! NO~!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

DV gone crazy as afoi find out, this is actually chris's apartment. DV start to get mad. and run to nowhere. Since already reach here, afoi decided to pay chris a visit.

"Hello? anybody home?"


"I'm looking for chris.."

"she'd gone camping.. didn't you joint her? Some thing like "net act ses camp" "

So, afoi decided to go back first.

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It is such a nice scenary out there. The sky is shined with the sunset. Along the road, there is some gorilla singing.. "gorillaz" song. Weird, by looking at them, they reminds afoi about the good buddy, Bento.












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The sky changed colour!! Dark cloud gathered within seconds. And there is strange light from far far away. Every gorilla start to scream and gone panic. Without wasting time, afoi proceed to the strange light place and see what's going on.

Upon reaching the scene, afoi saw alot of people gathering at one spot.

"Hi, uncle Si , what's going on?"

"Whoa~ I Si Pill Bert so old.. first time see this strange thing!!"

"What happen what happen~?

"I also dunno how to explain man.. its just too weird.."

"Then, uncle Tom.. can u explain?"

"Yes afoi, just now, I was as usual, attending my slim tant session in the Tom Italy slimming centre. See? I'd lost so much weight.. Now people start to call me Tom Kurus"

"Wow... but.. what so weird about this?"

"The weird part is, Tom Italy is closed today!"

Creepy..... Afoi start to feel the fear inside him... It looks like, strange thing is happening everywhere. So he decided to contact the "Wolf of Federal No.2"

"Bro, I plan to do something big!!!"

"Bro, come.. you can go my toilet"

"I mean.. i want to make something big and make some big money!"

"Right... so..what you think we should do?"

"I know one child abused staying near by..."

"Great~ Lets go and make some money!"

After reach his place, afoi take out a tissue and start to fold a rose. While WoFn2 making some jasmine tea to release tension. After 10 mins, Child Abused come out, with two empty cheque.

"Please.. I beg you... don't drink Jasmine Tea in front of my house.. and please.. dont fold the paper rose... I beg you... don't do this to me..."

"We'll see what you can do to stop us.."

"Take this cheque and fill in whatever you want!!! please.. leave me alone.. I have to go back in the house in 5 mins to get abused again.. ive been very busy ..."

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Easy money for Afoi and WoFn2.. So, they go back happily with the cheque.. After some deep thought, afoi decided to fill the cheque.. "World peace" is the word afoi filled in the cheque.. After 3 days, miracle happened~! The world is again in peace. Afoi save the world again, and plan to re-watch "Chasey Save The World" hoping to learn new thing.

- END -

Its all gone...

During my previous trip back to hometown, I went back to my old house. Errr... or should I say, the location where my old house USED to be there. Mum told me they k.o the whole house. I didnt expect it's done so fast and so clean. All the memories ... now that I cant see it nomore..

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Look like nothing but the gate from the temple.

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The address plate is gone.. :'(

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So do the "Surname Plate"

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What left back is only the GATE.

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What left back is.... only... afoi's memory

I hope my 52-B memories will stay forever.. those were the time...

To bobby my dog, you'll always rest in peace in the uncle's garden.

To the yellow bicycle girl, now you can ride the bike without worrying people will tease you anymore.

To the footballer, no more goal from half field... or.. maybe you guys already had another good player.

To the fish in the longkang, no more hiding here and there... no one will disturb ya life anymore.

Friday, September 16, 2005

MarnPsyGarn, ChaingCWhoreMart.

"Ending a relationship is just like having the worst nightmare after having the best dream."

"We cannot beg someone to stay if they want to leave and be with someone else. We have to admit that love doesn't give us the license to own a person. This is what love means...sacrifice."

"Often times we say goodbye to the person we love without wanting to. Though that doesnt mean that we've stopped loving them or we've stopped to care. Sometimes goodbye is a painful way to say I love you."

"Some people say the worst way to miss someone is when they are right next to you and you know you can't have them, but it's worse when you thought you didn't want them anymore and then all of a sudden you realize you can't live without them."

"Deep in my heart, I'm suffering, knowing that I've lost you. On the outside, I'm living, pretending that I've forgotten you."

"A failing love is like desperately hanging on to something precious; not wanting to give up, but your hands feel the pain. And, when you finally let go, you're free from any pain, but your hands are empty."

"How can I promise you forever when tomorrow is so far away from me? How can I dry your tears when I have a bleeding heart inside of me? How can I ever forget you when your name is etched so deep within me?"

"They say no matter how dark the night is, the sun always rises again ... I say lost love makes one realize that no matter how bright the day is, the sun will always set again."

"A heart breaking isn't always as loud as a bomb exploding.. Sometimes it can be as quiet as a feather falling.. And the most painful thing is, no one really hears it, except you.."

"Who do you run to when the only person who can make you stop crying, is exactly the one who is making you cry!"

Talk is cheap. Everyone know the "common sense". But, when it happen to you. Things just go differently. This post, might not help at all.. BUT.. was hoping if it strike some of the thought one have now, thus, having a deeper thought and get what one want.

Google Earth

Cant sleep, so decided to try Google Earth again. The result for Kuala Lumpur isnt nice at all. This the factory place I want to visit most. The map is so detail.

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I want to work here.

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Yes.. HERE!! 4590 Beech St Cincinnati, OH 45212

Thursday, September 15, 2005

HK Kungfu Drama review by amatuer

iLen : eh do u watch channel 30 at 9.30?

afoi : not really

afoi : good meh ?

iLen : hhaha good ar

afoi :long time din follow those 830 , 930 WLT show liao..

afoi : i somemore sor har sor har go tune to 34 watch the "yee thin tou long gei"

afoi : sei mou ?

iLen : wah

iLen : yee thin tou long gei

iLen :i oso watch manz!

iLen : not bad mah!

iLen : ahahahhaah

afoi :hahahahaaah

afoi :waiting the cheong mou gei to come out

iLen : haha not yet la

afoi :but the cheong chui sarn not yet die

afoi :i like the ori novel also... finished long time ago...

afoi :the cheong mou gei.. the live.. damn "deng" one.. how also wont die one.

iLen : wah u read da novel?

afoi jacky chan

iLen : hahaha

afoi :kek deng deng one.... marde... everytime also must have one ppl like that one..

afoi :then mou geng mou him.. learnt some super power

afoi :like the "wu fei" also..

afoi :sien nor...

iLen : ahahah

iLen : oh wu fei

afoi :"diok dok" .. tapi... "beh si"

iLen : sien la!

iLen : yalo! diok dok so many times

afoi :wa.. if me.. diok dok so mny times.. i wont come out already la..

afoi :at home surf net better

iLen : fall down from mountain oso wont die da miu yan foong

afoi :hahahahaha

afoi :somemore kam fart min yan...

afoi :pei pei pei~

afoi :gum fart min yat, lok mou thao

iLen : hahaha he kam mou one ah

iLen : last time got 'heng' dye hair one meh

iLen : or he is mix wif ang mo?

afoi :hahaha

afoi :nola.. must be kena tai lok mou ady..

afoi :"for dou lei"

afoi :then ter-dyed

iLen : ahhahah

afoi :i see his daughther... like amgician.. can hypnotised ppl with the act and talking...

iLen : wah true

iLen : woo dai go~~~

afoi :nvr use "ngor" one..

afoi :chou marng jai somemore....

iLen : muahhahahhhhaha damn!

afoi :yort lan.... yort goh meh sei... jao lan farn lei la..



received this link from email.. wow.. i thought i'm too much.. but.. there's even more~ dont listen if u cant take too many (i mean TOO many) of those vulgar word


Tuesday, September 13, 2005


Its just 2 weeks from the date I quit my job. And my life is sooo slumber. (but i kinda like it~ :D ) Today, as usual, after my second wake up at around 2pm, make some order thru McD. Well.. the operator.. sucks big time.. but the delivery service is fast~ salute!

Nothing much happen lately. Just simple and slow life. Not to mention, am getting poorer and poorer and poorer... again, I'll ask people to support A.R.F

Friday, September 02, 2005

Why afoi is a poor guy?

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