yes, after so much of forum reading, review reading, I finally bought G7.
Why G7 you ask. Because, G is the 7th alphabets.
G7 == 7 + 7
14 == 1 + 4
5 == five , read as foi , afoi. Yup.. thats me. G7 belongs to afoi!
Yesterday morning, went to PC Fair in convention centre. Peoples are everwhere. Quite a tiring trip. But, a worthy trip.
RM 2099, I get
G7 with all the basic bundle
- 1GB SD Card x 2
- SD Card Reader
- Screen Proctector
- Metal Neck Strap
- Case
- Back Pack
Then, at night, we went to DV's dinner treat at Hulu Langat. Quite a nice place. With nice scenary , with super lousy service. I had a Special Sizzling Chicken. And what so special about the Sizzling Chicken? ya.. its COLD! damN! Its not supposed to, anyway.
Tried out G7 for some night scene. I was quite disappointed when I first snap the photo. It looks, awful. With alot of noises. But today, after I transfered to PC, I "think" I can have a decent night shot, after:
- tame the beast
- improve my skill
- have stronger faith that I do not make wrong choice.

I don't blame the IS for not doing a good job. After all, its a 4s exposure, handheld.
Some outdoor shooting does give good result, IMO.
Its kinda fun to play with G7. Simply bcos of the many many settings. I love the control dial, the most! very handy when doing a manual focus.
Dell : "This cam looks like shit!"
Zmin : "Its expensive.."
Bro : "Dont waste your money"
Aunt : "What happened to your Nikon?"
Yeah.. I dont care!!

The "Color Accent" straight from the camera

Manual Focus. Lack of swivel screen, indeed bring some difficulty in snapping photo in lower position. But, its just matter of getting used to. :P

To explain how cooling it is at Hulu Langat, this is the prove. We need the heat to warm our hands. Happy Birthday Dude! May all your wishes come true!!
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