Thursday, August 31, 2006

Those were the day....

Where is afoi? The day without any worry, without any responsibility, with alot of joy and fun.

Sunday, August 27, 2006


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nice technique which I want to practise with~

"panning" is NOTHING to do with a PEN!

Friday, August 25, 2006

tomorrow no rain...

day after tomorrow also no rain.

monday no rain..

tuesdays also no rain...




Wednesday, August 23, 2006

the toy... hmm...

I wonder if anyone buy theToy...

to every little good thing in life...

Sunday, August 20, 2006



Thursday, August 17, 2006

today I heart BurgerKing

No more fried mee hoon + hot coffe.

No more nasi lemak + hot coffe.

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*thumbs up*

Wednesday, August 16, 2006

thanks, Kath!

After a day long of work.. reached home with very very tired mind and mood. THEN, I saw something. I got a parcel!!! hurray.. this time is not from eBay, its from the Mighty Kath!

Kath, thank you so much for your present! Its very nice and I like it alot. (F)

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Sunday, August 13, 2006


you're the most dumb person i ever deal with. You ask me where is the nearest piss-a-hut outlet? who fucking measure which is nearer? I can tell you i have a 12" dick.. but nearest outlet?

dear ***ira , you pissed me off and ruined my Sunday evening.

Friday, August 11, 2006

In case you dont know...

Its freaking friday already!! ;) ngek ngek

Wednesday, August 09, 2006

things is not right, yet...

What happen to me? people started to judge my ability... Come on afoi... you can do way better than this! Focus!!!

Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Hiam hiam lai yea today. But its fine now.... Hopefully....


Last weekend, we went to Shah Alam Museum for the "Ghost, Spirit Exibition". As planned, we reach fei place at 930AM , and wait for the rest to join us there. Then, received ky's call.

ky : got problem le... you guys go bfast first k?

So, we went for slow breakfast while waiting for call from ky. After about 30 mins,

ky : waiting the car to cool down only can check. tapao breakfast for me.

So, we slowly tapao breakfast for him.

ky: ok.. car fixed. I'm on my way to fei's place now

So, we slowly go back fei's place and wait for him

ky: ey... jam la.....

So, we continue waiting. Its about 11+AM. And according to plan, ky have another appointment at 12 Noon. So, finally we saw ky.

ky: nah..this the stuff i bought for you all from Shanghai. Hey.. i cant join you all.. I got an appointment to rush.

So, we're speechless..... for the 2+ hours of waiting, we get the sourveniur, which doesn't seem to have any expiry date. Thanks to ky. We like the gift very much. Whats more, its a "sin" (fan)

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Yeah, we're ALL "SIN"-ed by ky.

Moral of the story:
1. When friend car break down, dont wait if he/she have another appointment later on
2. Do prepare from fan so that you can give to your victim after you OWNED them.
3. Shanghai are famous of fan.

voice "recognition"

hmmm.. been into biometric stuff years ago. Now, I'm glad that, i'm NOT into voice recognition. rotfl

ofcourse I enjoy it!

source from googlesystem

Monday, August 07, 2006


The shitty haze is here again for the N times.

Thursday, August 03, 2006

its old.. but its always good for laugh

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I aint feel shame no more for my
Additional math - FAILED
Modern math - FAILED

my BM sucks big time... shitz..

Just called up some service centre to arrange for appointment. Since the receptionist is a malay, feel like using bahasa malayu to communicate. who knows....

" selamat pagi."

"two week ago, I send kereta saya for servicing..."

"then sekarang, itu brake seems like not working too well."

shit! I need tuition class!

Tuesday, August 01, 2006


Screw you damn bloody brainless maggot