Tuesday, August 08, 2006


Last weekend, we went to Shah Alam Museum for the "Ghost, Spirit Exibition". As planned, we reach fei place at 930AM , and wait for the rest to join us there. Then, received ky's call.

ky : hey..car got problem le... you guys go bfast first k?

So, we went for slow breakfast while waiting for call from ky. After about 30 mins,

ky : waiting the car to cool down only can check. tapao breakfast for me.

So, we slowly tapao breakfast for him.

ky: ok.. car fixed. I'm on my way to fei's place now

So, we slowly go back fei's place and wait for him

ky: ey... jam la.....

So, we continue waiting. Its about 11+AM. And according to plan, ky have another appointment at 12 Noon. So, finally we saw ky.

ky: nah..this the stuff i bought for you all from Shanghai. Hey.. i cant join you all.. I got an appointment to rush.

So, we're speechless..... for the 2+ hours of waiting, we get the sourveniur, which doesn't seem to have any expiry date. Thanks to ky. We like the gift very much. Whats more, its a "sin" (fan)

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Yeah, we're ALL "SIN"-ed by ky.

Moral of the story:
1. When friend car break down, dont wait if he/she have another appointment later on
2. Do prepare from fan so that you can give to your victim after you OWNED them.
3. Shanghai are famous of fan.

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