Sunday, November 26, 2006

James Blonde

1st attempt - login to do online booking. Fully book (online reservation) - [Casoni Royale, Happy Feet , Flushed Away]

2nd attempt - login to another cinema system. Upon selecting seat, I didnt have JRE installed in my local, timeout for booking. [Flushed Away]

3rd attempt - after JRE installation, ticket booked successfully. PC RESTART BEFORE save the reservation ID!!!! [Flushed Away]

4th attempt - fei booked the ticket. Someone say the venue is too far.... [Flushed Away]

5th attempt - Nick tries to book via e-Payment system. Credit Card verification failed. [Casino Royale]

6th attempt - I tried e-Payment system, upon verification, error for cookies. timeout AGAIN!

7th attempt - Casino Royale , four ticket, secured.

To watch this movie, we have to attempt so many times.

Its abit fake, ok.

Some definition of Jmaes Bond is not the same with previous movie.

with alot of hightech gadget
have sex with ALL the women appear in the movie

In stead, he became some invincible man. Wont die one... a very high resistant of height. Jump down from few-ten to hundred-feet , wont die one...

and best is, IT'S JUST A NAIL that stuck inches INSIDE his back. yupe.. that's right... JUST A NAIL.

Saturday, November 25, 2006

Hi Buddy I am in NYC today. Can we meet?

Vyshak Anand 25 November 2006 19:42
To: afoi
Dear afoi,

I am visiting ur ciry today call me or email me and we can meet in the
eve. maybe for dinner with ur mom.
I am meeting Shaihav to this afternoon. Would be good if you can join too.

Vyshak Anand

MMH in Real Estate Finance l Class of 2006 l Cornell University l 607.227.4375

I'm not sure I can make it to NYC today to meet you, pal.

Saturday, November 18, 2006

Rasullah S.A.W Rasuah-lah, Saturday.At.Wangsamaju

for the first time, I got caught on speeding. how can a straight, wide, flat road like MRR2's maximum speed is only 80 KMph ?

*opposite car flashing non stop*

*slow down abit*

fucked... i saw some 白衣舔屎 a.k.a the 900+ bucks salary polishman.

*raise red flag and whistle at me*

*drive to side*

*wind-screen down*

polishman : license....

afoi : nah

polishman : *proceed to front of the car, writing blog on its notes*

polishman : you're speeding you know ?

afoi : ya..

polishman : here, the maximum speed is only 80 KMph

afoi : ok.. so, whats my speed?

polishman : 115 KMph

afoi : ok..

polishman : *continue writing a blog entry on its note*

polishman : you want to get a summon or settle here?

afoi : *show wallet* I only got 32 bucks

polishman : ok..

afoi : you want it ALL!? *cheebuy*

polishman : yes. *hands in my car waiting*

afoi : *take 20 bucks*

polishman : *accept*

Moral of the story :-
1- Always empty your wallet before you're on the road.
2- Spend money on G7 is better than wasting it on some polishman.

Friday, November 17, 2006

Dear Markus.

This is not a BR
Usually, we'll create a FC for this
Please do so, if you think this is appropriate to be changed
If there is any more doubt,
Do feel free to contact us again

Sunday, November 12, 2006

sunday night

boring sunday night as always. The tv are showing some vintage drama... SIEN .....
tomorrow Monday again..... double sien.. 5 more days before Friday again. Triple combo sien... *YAWN*

I even sien until practise "how to snap a zooming effect photo" with my k800i. Its freaking hard ok. Another point of getting G7.

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting

yong yuen chuei beh diok wa a lar!

So, they should start searching near Bukit Kubur.

Tuesday, November 07, 2006

jeng jeng jeng~ Its HERE~!!!!!

In order to learn more more about photography, I need a better camera that gives me more control. getting straight into a dSLR sounds, expensive and risky. I dunno if it will end up like my guitar, or magic.

G7 retail price == RM 2249.

SIGH.... why !!???

Sunday, November 05, 2006

Bukit Tinggi, short, "blow wind" trip

Princess proposed an one day trip out of KL. Just to, uhmm... out of KL. Its been freaking long time our gang does not hit double digit.

the Japanse Botanical Garden does not have any chun jap chicks thou. *LONG SIGH* , but quite a good scene.

With alot of bamboo element.

and very very very very tall tree.

bento with super sharp 屁眼 眼力 spotted this ugly worm.



alot of not too common plant (to me).

and very colourful flower.

"pit stop" for get rid of the green face. :S

end result of some "interacial" ?


Busy bee.

甘露 (do not pronounce or think in hokkien)

you need 3 years to forget the pain , if you got biten by this nasty big antz

ass antz hole.

group leader : 红头兵

I'm as straight as this bridge. No question ask!

Then, we proceed to the French Village. Its like a ghost town. Other than us, and some co. event, I hardly see any tourist.

Remind me of disneyland@hk

TheLoaf'sBoss on the top right

Shyla, according to himself. "Hi, I'm shy lah.." :S

Me and bento get bored after 10 mins and proceed to the tower to have a better view.

no luck on naked lady

still no luck...

*look far far* . he's been thinking alot lately...

then, a quick colour change.

I must admit that, I attract not only chicks.

Thats right, not only chicks.

Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Messenger Live! Plus

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting
Whats new. with "Locking" feature... /sweat

try it now.