Friday, August 14, 2009

How to waste your sleeping time?

Supposedly, Thursday night is a good sleeping day. But, 3 people, gone crazy and go out shooting star trail, at a hazy night :S

We wanted to see some meteor but...
We wanted to shoot some nice star trail shot but...

Meteor = NIL
Nice star trail shot = NIL
Tiredness = FULL
Fun = N/A

It sure looks like some sort of crappy stuff.
No foreground! No nice blend of the star trail ! DAMNNNNN~N~..... definitely will try at some other more interesting place.

The above pic is combined of 148 pic * 30 seconds each, which is shown in the animation in below.


Abu Emir said...

a good attempt.. i'm still trying to do a decent startrail.. mind where is this? :D

afoi said...

somewhere off ulu yam road. Forgot the place name, its some sort of abandon / quiet resort.