Sunday, September 17, 2006


1. went for dinner with the gang on Saturday night.
2. Its the second working Saturday in the past 6 months. Hope the server wont die on coming Monday.
3. ffk on hometown gang on Dota. woopss..
4. late movie

With the help of dv's "7 steps by steps sure reach" instruction, I manage to get there the FIRST!

fondue house

cheese fondue

choc whisky fondue

nevermind the yellowish object



M.I.B, marshmallow in brown(choc)

Then, a late night show. "Little Man" which is not bad, especially the boobs. LoL .

Been quite busy lately. nothing happening but work. Still full of bastard out there.

Bastard No.1

Bastard No.2 who bang my car and act like nothing happened.

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